Carbon Positive Oil Palm

    Among our actions on climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, 特别关注推荐几个足彩外围app的碳足迹和相关的温室气体(GHG)排放.

    Using the 棕榈油 Palm GHG Calculator, we monitor our GHG emissions for our palm operations annually, 并正在采取措施,实施创新和适应性措施,以减轻这些影响. 在全球棕榈油生产商中,推荐几个足彩外围app是出类拔萃的,因为推荐几个足彩外围app的运营对气候非常有利, i.e. our plantations draw down more CO2 than they emit (negative CO2 emissions). 棕榈油温室气体计算器的结果得到了独立科学评估(HCS+ Science Report 2015)和同行评议论文的支持.

    在任何新的开发之前,推荐几个足彩外围app已经用机载激光雷达系统地绘制了推荐几个足彩外围app所有特许权的地上碳储量. 然后将碳分层的结果整合到土地利用图中,以保护高碳储量区域和HCV区域.


    实现碳中和和气候友好型运营的关键因素是选址, including the avoidance of peat development, 从保护区的再生和在低碳储存量地区种植棕榈树中吸收的碳.

    As part of our continuous improvement plan, 推荐几个足彩外围app在阿瓦拉工厂有一个沼气设施,以进一步减少运营中的排放,并提供可再生能源.

    推荐买球平台 is committed to zero burning during land preparation, 种植或再种植, 然而,在旱季露天焚烧是当地社区为耕种准备土地的常见做法. 

    加蓬推荐买球平台棕榈制定了防火SOP,禁止在种植园内进行燃烧活动,防止种植园附近区域发生火灾. Fire patrols are conducted in savanna areas during a prolonged dry season. 推荐几个足彩外围app还为成功地继续致力于停止相关焚烧活动的村代表提供奖励, to be vigilant and to prevent others in the villages from these activities.

    If a hotspot is identified, 报告火灾并立即扑灭,以防止火势蔓延到邻近地区.  All cases of fire incident are properly documented. 截至2019年12月, total 25 hotspots were identified during the year, 96% of the hotspots occurred during dry season (June to September), all hotpots were located in the Mouila and Ndende plantations, and fire was put out within 24 hours on every occasion. 

    Maintaining water quality is a key priority for us. 推荐几个足彩外围app确定并排除河岸地带和陡峭地区的发展,以保持推荐几个足彩外围app的场地及其附近水体的质量.

    推荐几个足彩外围app保护所有河流, streams and lakes with broad, vegetated buffer zones to prevent sediments, fertilisers and other agrochemicals from reaching surface waters. We carefully control the timing and quantity of fertilisers, 还有其他输入, to minimise leaching to the water table, 推荐几个足彩外围app的工厂旨在最大限度地提高用水效率,并处理废水以确保安全水平. 看到 棕榈油 Manual for the Management and Rehabilitation of Riparian Reserves –  Simplified Guide on our riparian management SOP. 

    As part of our Environmental and 水 Management Plan, 推荐几个足彩外围app监测水质的方法是采样,此外,推荐几个足彩外围app还会维护河岸地区的森林,种植覆盖作物,以防止水土流失.

    推荐几个足彩外围app所有的棕榈油工厂(Awala和Mouila Bilala棕榈油工厂)进行棕榈油工厂废水(POME)取样。, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),化学需氧量(COD)和其他废水参数由认可的实验室进行测试. POME is not allowed to discharge directly into waterways, 在污水处理厂进行处理,使最终好氧上清的污染物负荷降低到有关部门规定的水平. 

    We’ve also addressed communities’ need for a reliable water supply, and drilled or rehabilitated wells and pumps in villages around our plantations.

    Conserving 加蓬’s Cultural Heritage


    Protecting 加蓬's Biodiversity



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